Canva is a free online graphic design tool available on all browsers and as a mobile app (iOS and Android). Use it to create presentations, posters, infographics, social media posts, logos, and more. This guide includes step-by-step instructions for Canva assignments.
Cost: Free for basic account
Step 1: Create a Canva Account
To get started follow the steps listed below to create an account:
- Visit the Canva Website:
- Sign Up:
- On the Canva homepage, you should see a "Sign Up" or "Get started for free" button. Click on it.
- Choose a Sign-Up Method:
- Canva provides multiple sign-up options, including using your Google account or an email address. We recommend the Google option making it easy to remember and access.
For help creating a Canva account, see: Creating and logging in to your Canva account - Canva Help Center.
Step 2: Use an Assignment Template
If you are working on a class assignment which requires a specific format, use one of theses templates. Skip this step if you want to start with your own template.
Get started using one of the templates shown below. When you select a template, it will open in another tab. After it opens in your Canva account, you need to rename the file.
NOTE: If you are working on a group assignment, only one member of your group will copy the template to start your Canva project. In the next step, other group members will be added.
Digital Posters
- Digital Poster Template (1280 x 720 px)
- DCC Presentation Poster Template (2560 x 1440 px) - for in-person presentations in the Digital Creativity Centre (DCC)
Printed Posters
- Head Competition Poster Template (48 x 36 inches)
- Infographic/Poster Template (18 x 24 inches)
- Infographic/Poster Template (36x24 inches) - for printing hard copies
- Infographic Poster Template (24 x 36 Inches)
Skip this step if you are not required to use an assignment template.
Step 3: Add Collaborators
To invite collaborators to edit your project, open your Canva project and follow these steps:
- Click on the Share button.
- Add email addresses for all collaborators
- Do not check off create a team
- Click Send
- Collaborators will have to accept the email invitation to get acces.
Step 4: Design
Creating a Design
👉 Design tip: Before you begin, sketch a rough outline of your design on paper to help plan what to include.
If you are not using a class template, you can choose from one of available design options (document, infographic presentation, etc.) or you can use custom dimensions.
Canva Editor Menu
The left side menu, called the Object Panel, is where you will find all of the design options.
- Design: Choose the design tab to find a template or change colour scheme with styles. Look for the free Canva templates. Anything with a crown requires a pro account. Blank templates can be used to start from scratch creating your own custom design.
- Elements: The Elements tab is where you will find assets to add to your design. You can either search an element type or search across all categories and narrow it down from there. Asset types include: Lines & Shapes, Graphics, Photos, Videos, Audio, Charts, Frames, etc.
- Text: Add text boxes, headings, or select one of the font combos. When you select any object on your project, an editing menu will appear at the top of the screen. For text, the menu will give you font choices and sizes, alignment, bullets and more.
- Uploads: Use the Upload tab to add your photos, images and logos. You can upload from a device or any of the cloud storage options listed.
- Draw: Lets you use various tools like pens, markers, and highlighters to create drawings.
- Apps: You can search and use the Canva apps.
Download the Accessible Infographics and Posters checklist
Step 5: Design Elements - Documents, QR Codes & Audio
If you are working on an assignment, check the assignment details to ensure you follow the steps. The sections below list requirements that may be part of your assignment.
Link to external documents for Reference lists or a transcript explaining your poster. Follow the steps listed below to use a file already saved to your Google Drive account:
Open the file you want to share.
Click Share in the top right hand corner.
To make the link public follow these steps:
- Under “General access” click the Down arrow
- Choose Anyone with the link, and choose Viewer
- Click Copy link
The link is ready to paste into your Canva project.
QR codes can be used to link to a Google Doc, and online copy of your poster or even your LinkedIN profile.
To add a QR code in Canva, follow these steps:
- On the editor side panel, click Apps.
- Under Apps,search for QR Code. There are several options (Canva's is the easiest).
- Enter the URL of the page you want your QR code to open.
- Click on Generate code. The QR code will be added to your design.
For more detail on using QR codes visit: Canva Help: Creating QR Codes.
You can now record videos from inside the Canva editor. This is ONLY available on Google Chrome, Edge and Safari browsers.
Follow these steps:
- Open the Uploads tab.
- Click on Record yourself.
- Set up your camera and microphone on the pop-up that will appear. Make sure to allow your browser to access your device's camera and microphone when asked.
- Click on Start recording whenever you're ready.
- Click on Done.
- Click on Save and Exit to save and return to the editing menu. The recording will be placed on your design.
- You can also find your video recording from the Videos tab under Uploads.
Record a Voiceover
Use these instructions to learn how to record an audio file.
Step 6: Share Your Design
Canva has several options for sharing your projects. Choose one of the options below for instructions.
For class assignments, you will need to create a public URL to share with your instructor or for adding to an eportfolio. With your design open, follow these steps to create a link:
- With your design open, click on the Share button (top right hand corner).
- From the Share menu, click on the Public view link icon (see image below).
- On the next screen, click on the Create public view link button.
- Click on the Copy button.
With your design open, choose Share, then choose the Present option.
- From the Present options choose Present Full Screen.
- Click on the Present button to launch your design on a full screen.
To exit presentation mode, press ESC on your keyboard or click Exit full screen on the bottom corner of the screen.
Use the download option to save or print your design project. For printing posters, choose the PDF Print option. This options prints with a resolution of 300 dpi, versus the Standard PDF which is 96 dpi.
- From the Share options, choose Download.
- Select PDF Print option as File type.
- Select Crop marks and bleed.
- Select Flatten PDF.
- Click Download.
Canva Resources
There are several tutorials for Canva, which we encourage you to review:
- Canva Student Tutorials
- Canva Design School
- Get to know the Canva editor
Canva Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning: 2hrs, 23m)