What is an ePortfolio?
An academic ePortfolio is your digital collection of course-related work, essays, reports, posters, photographs, videos, podcasts and artwork. Academic ePortfolios can also capture other aspects of your life as a student, such as volunteer experiences, employment history, extracurricular activities, awards, certificates and more!
Benefits of Creating an ePortfolio
Personal Marketing Tool
Your ePortfolio demonstrates evidence of your qualifications and accomplishments in an organized and interesting way that can set you apart from other candidates. -
Keeps You Organized
Organizing all of your important documentation in one place makes it easy to reference and provide employers with information. -
Helps You Prepare for an Interview
Reviewing your accomplishments and providing documents in your ePortfolio helps you provide supporting examples when answering interview questions. -
Build Confidence in Your Skills
Organizing your academic and work accomplishments, helps you identify your strengths.
Helpful Tips
- Think about the structure - plan in advance
- Don't go overboard with images - they should enhance not overpower
- Use it to tell a story
ePortfolio Tools
Microsoft Sway and Portfolium are commonly used for course assignments. If you are creating an eportfolio for personal use, you can choose any tool you prefer, Adobe Spark, Google Sites, Wix, to name a few. The guides listed below will help you get started on your ePortfolio.
Note: Some programs require students to create eportfolios as an assignment. Check your assignment to ensure you are using a tool recommended by your instructor.