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PowerPoint Recording Guide

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Record a Presentation

Use this guide to learn how to add video and audio narration to a PowerPoint presentation.

What do I need to add narration to my PowerPoint presentation?

A quick tip: When you are inserting video narration, you must leave space for them in your slide design. Choose simple background designs to make your video easier to see.

Bad_PowerPoint_Background_Example Good_PowerPoint_Background_Example

Once you have your PowerPoint slides complete and and you have prepared your spoken presentation, you will need:

  • Up-to-date PowerPoint desktop or mobile app (Narration is not available on Microsoft 365 PowerPoint online version)
  • Webcam and mic (headset)

How do I add a PowerPoint recording using a computer?

Follow the instructions below to insert media elements into your presentation using a computer, or view the video for more information.

Using a PC
  1. In your PowerPoint Presentation, click on Slide Show tab and click on the arrow to expand the Record Slide Show dropdown.


    • To record the entire Presentations all at once, choose Record from Beginning
    • To record one slide at one time, choose Record from Current Slide
  2. Choose your recording options: Microphone, Camera and Video Preview by clicking the icons in the bottom right. Turn the camera off to record Audio only. PP-RecordingOptions
  3. Select the RECORD button to begin recording. It will give a second countdown before the recording begins. Click the square STOP button or press on your keyboard to stop recording. Select the REPLAY button to watch the video after recording to check for mistakes.


  4. If you make a mistake during your recording, you can use the CLEAR button to redo a recording. Click on the CLEAR button to expand the menu and choose to clear the current slide or all slides.

    Warning: Clicking Clear Recordings on All Slides will remove every slide recording you have done for the presentation.

    Recordings are not recoverable, so be cautious when clearing recordings.

  5. Whether you choose Audio or video, your narration will be saved in the bottom right hand corner but you can move it after you have finished recording.

    Video: Good_PowerPoint_Background_Example    Audio: PP-Audio Icon


Using a MAC
  1. In your PowerPoint Presentation, click on Slide Show tab and click the Record Slide Show Button.


  2. Choose your recording options. From the camera options, choose your webcam and then blur the background (optional). Turn the camera off to record Audio only.


  3. Select the Record button (red circle) to being recording. It will give a 3 second countdown before the recording begins.

    To end recording, press the Stop button (red square) or press S on your keyboard to stop recording. 

  4. If you make a mistake during your recording, you can use the Clear button to redo a recording. Click on the Clear button to expand the menu and choose to clear the current slide or all slides.


    Warning: Clicking Clear Recordings on All Slides will remove every slide recording you have done for the presentation.

    Recordings are not recoverable, so be cautious when clearing recordings.

  5. Whether you choose Audio or video, your narration will be saved in the bottom right hand corner but you can move it after you have finished recording.

    Video: Good_PowerPoint_Background_Example    Audio: PP-Audio Icon


How do I add PowerPoint recording using a mobile device?

Follow the instructions below to insert media elements into your presentation using a mobile device.

  1. Open your presentation in the PowerPoint app on your phone.
  2. Click the Edit icon. android-edit-button
  3. Choose Home and then Insert to see the Insert Menu Options.
  4. Access your Camera by:
    • On an Android, click Pictures then Camera
    • On an iPhone, click Camera and then select video
  5. Click the record button to start recording, when you are finished, you can choose Use Video or Retake.
  6. After inserting your video, resize the video by dragging one corner.

How do I Export my Presentation as a Video?

Follow the instructions below to share your PowerPoint.

  1. Click on File in the top left corner of PowerPoint
  2. Click on Export in the menu on the left side of PowerPoint
  3. Click on Create a Video
  4. Select the option Use Recorded Timings and Narrations
  5. Click Create Video
  6. Type a file name for your video. This is the file that will be sent to your instructor so add your name and project title
  7. Use the Save as type menu to save the file as a MPEG-4 (.mp4) type
  8. Click Save

How do I Share my PowerPoint Presentation saved in OneDrive?

Follow the instructions below to share your PowerPoint.

  1. Using the Share Feature in PowerPoint, select Share from the top right-hand corner
  2. Select where to save your presentation within OneDrive
  3. Invite people by entering names and add message
  4. Choose a permission level for example: Can edit
  5. Click Send
