Portfolium is a tool that allows you to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments using the Canvas tool Folio (Portfolium). Portfolium can be accessed through your MyCanvas account and once created, it is your e-portfolio for life.
Account Setup through MyCanvas
- To access your Portfolium account setup, select Folio from the account options in MyCanvas.
To set up your Portfolium account, click on your initials.
- Create Your Portfolium Account
Create your account by entering a personal email address and a unique password.
Remember this login information because you have access to Portfolium for life! This will allow you to access your account directly from the Portfolium website
Account Settings
Access your profile settings by clicking on Me. Then select Settings from the drop-down menu.
Get started by filling in the following options:
- Avatar: add a photo of yourself (image size: at least 400px by 400 px)
- Cover Image: add a cover image, something simple and not cluttered (image size: at least 1500px by 500px)
- Name: First Name and Last Name
- Tagline: When writing a tagline, think about how you would define yourself in one sentence.
- Education: Choose “Add new education”
- Current Position: Choose “Add new position”
- Update Location: Choose “Add new Location”
- Personal Information: do not add any personal information such as phone number, social media etc.
- Additional settings: on the left side of the settings page, you will see additional options for updating your profile. For example, updating your location, adding an email address or even changing your password.
Remember to SAVE if you add or edit any information in settings.
Creating your ePortfolio
Your Portfolium has two sections, the Profile section and the Portfolio section. Start with adding content to your Profile using these options for adding sections to your profile. After you add each section, it will disappear from the list because it has been added to your profile.
Work Experience
Clubs, Affiliations, & Programs
How do I add Clubs, Affiliations, and Programs to my profile?
Volunteer Work
Publications (Published Work)
Step 1: Add Projects to your Portfolio
Click on the Portfolio tab and choose 'Add New Project.'
Step 2: Add Project Titles & Attachments
- Visibility: Visibility settings allow you to set the privacy of your entries. To showcase your abilities and build a healthy online identity, we encourage you to keep your awesome work public!
- Project Title: Add a project title.
- Attachments: Attachments such as pictures, documents and presentations allow you to provide proof of your work and skills.
Step 3: Category & Description
- Category: The category is the field of study that your entry is related to. Categorizing your Project helps employers, instructors, and peers find it when searching or when using the Discover tab.
- Description: The description is where you explain what your Project is all about. A good description can help your work stand out.
Step 4: Add Skills, Teammates & Tags
- Skills: Your Skills translate to Clickable Credentials, which allow employers and other users to literally click into the Skills you've listed on your Portfolium and access actual proof of your keywords.
- Teammates: Collaborators, group mates and friends that you worked on a Project with are called Teammates on Portfolium. If you work on a Project with someone, you can tag them in your entry.
- Tags: Tags are a great way to associate your Project with topics on Portfolium. Add hashtags as keywords to describe portfolio entries. Include key words that make your entries searchable.
Share your ePortfolio
Share your ePortfolio by copying your eportfolio URL. You can add this to your LinkedIn profile, email to potential employers, share on your social media platforms or submit it in MyCanvas as an assignment.
Privacy Settings
Portfolium includes privacy settings that will allow you to decide who can see your eportfolio. By default, anyone can view your eportfolio using the URL created when you set up your account.
If you prefer to change the privacy settings, you can do this by clicking on Me in the navigation bar, then choose settings.
From settings, follow these steps:
- Choose "Privacy"
- Check the option to "only allow people I'm connected with to view my profile".
- A link will be created for you to copy and share with your instructor or employers.